Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (digital)
The Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) is happy to invite to their next annual conference from 20–23 February 2022 in Düsseldorf.
About 1,000 scientists will discuss current aspects and new findings covering a broad spectrum of microbiological topics including applied microbiology, cell biology, pathogenicity, evolution and structural biology as well as a wide range of microbial organisms, from bacteria and bacteriophages to fungi with heterotrophic and phototrophic lifestyles.
Look forward to the following plenary speakers:
- Keynote Lecture: Jillian Banfield (Berkeley, CA/US)
- Hans-Günter-Schlegel-Lecture: Erhard Bremer (Marburg/DE)
- Host-Microbe Interaction: Joanne Engel (San Francisco, CA/US),
Bärbel Stecher (München/DE) and Julia Vorholt (Zürich/CH) - Cell and Structure: Samara Reck-Peterson (San Diego, CA/US),
Martin Thanbichler (Marburg/DE) and Stefan Raunser (Dortmund/DE) - Microbial Networking: Axel Brakhage (Jena/DE),
Kirsten Jung (München/DE) and Edze Westra (Exeter/GB) - Biotechnology: Kristala Jones Prather (Boston, MA/US),
Volker Wendisch (Bielefeld/DE) and Wolfgang Streit (Hamburg/DE) - Evolution and Design: Debbie Lindell (Technion/IL),
Jan Marienhagen (Jülich/DE) and Eva Nowack (Düsseldorf/DE)
For all details check www.vaam-kongress.de!